FIA action for road safety

FIA action for road safety

Jean Todt


Every child should have the right to a safe journey whether travelling to school, home or anywhere else. Their protection must be our number one priority. We must do everything in our power to halt this scourge.


The FIA Action for Road Safety campaign

The carnage on the world’s roads represents an unacceptable – and eminently avoidable – human, economic and social cost for societies and the FIA has associated itself with the United Nations in their fight against it. The FIA launched the FIA Action for Road Safety campaign in support of the UN Decade of Action for Road Safety 2011-2020, based around four key priorities:

The FIA is promoting 10 Golden Rules for safer motoring for everyone to follow.
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The FIA Action for Road Safety campaign is supported by Coca-Cola, Iveco, Michelin, Nissan and Petronas.
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FIA action for road safety

FIA action for road safety
